Friday, February 21, 2014

Case Study:The Battle of Orgreave Archive

The Battle of Orgreave Archive (An Injury to One is an Injury to All) is an installation comprising original archive, re-enaction videos, interviews,images to reveal the reality of the strike event which was distorted by the government.


New statement

I am interested the institutional critique, especially explore the gap between the reality and the ideology in the museum.
The museum is a site to shape our knowledge about history through arranging the collections, however, when the reality is arranged, the alienation take place. There are some parts of history unspoken and hidden behind the main stories.
Meantime, the collections also distorts our view in a subtle way. People confirm the authority of the museum, so we readily accept all the information in an unconscious way.

I want to critique the authority of the museum, to challenge the people’s perception of the museum. My work is based on the mythologies and the death of the author of Roland Barthes. He has demystified the culture and attempts to create a system which enables to deconstruct the situation in order to understand the value system behind it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


1. Authority

Anamorphic museum is an idea to critique the authority of the institutions. I am curious the authenticity of the meaning. 

Experiment 1

It is an investigation that I will invite visitors to interpret the object or collection.

I was refused for several times. Initially, I want to interview visitors when they haven't
read the museum interpretation. However, the main reason they refuse me is that they haven't seen this before, they don't understand it well enough. This experience has shown people carefully express their own ideas in the professional space---museum.  I want to break the hierarchy of the museum.

Visitors as readers, their reading is kind of creative process.

In this experiment, the idea of Anamorphic museum is full of interpretation and representation,including the official one. It is hardly to define what it is because no one can represent it。


<<The death of the author>> 

<<Bouvard and Pecuchet >>